I won't start gushing about bibimbap, as it's such a first-year thing to do. People would gasp and say "Ohmigod! He's like so first-year!" But it is our preferred post-snorkeling grub. Being a bit salty, some XXX Vitamin Water (extreeeeeme!) goes well with it, and we usually wash it down with a Hershey's Roasted Almond Veil, while sitting around in front of Family Mart, making fun of people as they walk by. I'm just sayin'. Speaking of snorkeling, a surfer buddy today informed me that the dreaded Nomura Jellyfish are back in Jeju's waters. I'm gonna punch one in the face. It'll go "SMACK!" (P.S. I didn't take that picture of the jellyfish, someone else did)