Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Presidential suicide

Media-hounded South Korean ex-president Roh Moo-hyun committed suicide this week by jumping off a cliff. I was in Korea for 2 years of his term, and I kinda liked him (I'm not a huge fan of current president Lee Myung-bak.) He was born to a peasant family, and he enjoyed wearing plaid shirts. I though it was neat when he gave Kim Jong-Il a whole collection of DVDs and a nice shelving unit to put them on last year. I saw this simple memorial to him today next to a bank.
Something else happened in Korea this week, but I forget what it was.


  1. tyrann-E-saurus27 May 2009 at 04:45

    yeah, that other little thing. if only i had cnn to remind me what is going on in korea. by the way...im finished with kristie snout...anna's been my mid-afternoon boost lately.

  2. Anna Coren is definitely foxy.
