This little pup followed me around at a safe distance, while I crept though the bushes, looking for birds. Where are the damn birds? Haven't seen too many migrants moving through the island yet. Soon.
What else is new? The Korean weather, much like Korean holiday-makers, decided that Sept. 1st was the end of summer. On August 31st, the beaches and other holiday spots are jam-packed, but once Sept. 1st rolls around, the beaches are empty. Good for me. Similarly, at midnight on August 31st, the temperature spontaneously drops 7 degrees. Mysterious. Maybe my life is The Truman Show.
Other news? Sure. Kristie Lu Stout is still my #1 CNN crush, but Anna Coren is moving up in the standings. I've been working on a new shoebox filled with dead squirrels, and I'm almost finished, but I'm torn as to who I'll send it to.
Why CNN? No choice. It is awful though, watching these charmless old men stammer about crap with a grin. Mann is the worst. "Das ist CNN." I miss James Earl Jones.
What else? Battle Royale, a Japanese movie, is bloody perfect. Bruno was pretty good, but I had higher hopes for some reason. I prefer the Bruno bits from the Ali G show. Public Enemy wasn't bad, but I'm embarassed to say I watched it alone in the theatre. I slunk out at the end, hat brim pulled low.
Babbling. Been reading again lately. JFK biography by Robert Dallek (Thanks tyrann-E). It's long. Still don't like fiction. Maybe I'll finish that book I started writing one day, but not looking good right now, it's been 8 months since I touched its imperfection.
Anything else...no. Yes. I have to wash the dishes and lose 10 pounds.