Thursday 24 June 2010

Bandwagon, clamber further aboard

Jeez, Cobain and I went and picked up one of them new-fangled Jabulani balls. We're such consumers. Way to fuel that Korean economy, us! The old one was rock-hard, and downgraded our well-being. The Cobain-ster also got his own goalie gloves, as mine were 'too big and sweaty'. Fine. The vaunted ball flies like the proverbial homesick angel. We hauled our frog-backs around the poorly-lit field for over an hour, sweat pouring, lungs wheeza-wheezing. Soccer is kinda fun. I am not calling it football. Gonna rain all weekend. Fuck that noise.


  1. Numbubbles, Jerky24 June 2010 at 12:39

    I'm not calling it football either. 'Soccer' is the name of the game.
