Here's an oldie! This song whips through my mind a few times a year. In other news, life remains a gift. I get tired of saying that - get off your fucking asses. Or is it off my fucking ass?
Almost finished the last season of Deadwood, which rocks nations of course. I'll miss it when it's gone. I'm sorely in need of a good book to read. I've actually got like 6 books going, but can't get into them, for one reason or another. I'm a notorious half-book reader. Depends on the season. I'm in need of a solid rock 'n' roll biography. This is a riveting blog post.
Oh, gonna give surfing another try tomorrow morning, but this time I'll wear my wetsuit - the surprise chest-wax last time was unwelcome. Hey! I'm gonna listen to some Beach Boys now. Only one of them surfed. And I like them. And...Brian Wilson seems like he'd be an asshole in person. God, I'm so full of wisdom and knowledge right now.
I ran into some young European tourists in Home Plus today, and they were predictably snooty. 'My island', I shoulda told them, and go to Thailand or something. Yeah. Graah. Get outta heah. I feel like I was socially nicer and more patient when I was younger, but now I really can't be bothered. I'm not sure if that's sad or awesome.
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