Thursday 23 June 2011

Broken record

Garbage?  Garbage.  Garbage!


  1. The fact that there are no public garbage cans in the parks and streets is really wierd. A wierd omission.

  2. They used to have more public garbage cans in
    Korea apparently, but they took 'em all out. You have to pay for 'garbage' bags here as you sort your trash, so the logic is that public garbage cans were stealing money away from the garbage bag people or something. Just one of several strange theories I've heard.

  3. A strange thing. How are you gonna keep a place beautiful with no garbage cans? Wapaaaa!

  4. Yeah, especially in a place like Jeju that's a tourist mecca because of it's natural beauty. Ah well, there are two ways of doing stuff - the right way and the Korean way, har har!
