Thursday 16 June 2011

Seller's remorse

MY guitar

MY fins
I am leaving Jeju soon.  Said it.  Typed it.  It didn't really hit me until I put some of my stuff up for sale last night and awoke this morning to find my inbox crammed with eager buyers for most it.  Especially the scooter.  My scooter.  I was suddenly furious that people were trying to get their claws on my stuff.  Not because it's stuff.  Stuff is stuff.  Because my scooter, snorkeling stuff, guitar, xbox, etc. are things that represent me having a good time on this island.  I look at my 'stuff', and I don't care how much I get for it really, and I'm happy that there are folks who are gonna enjoy the 'stuff'.  I look at my stuff and think of every awesome moment I've had with it, and the awesome people I've shared those moments with.  I'm babbling.  Anyhow, I snapped out of it pretty fast, and started returning emails, but I think that's what it took for it to finally sink into my hard Westphalian head that I'm shortly peacing outta this fantasy bubble of irie.  Life is a large collection of small moments.  Oh lord, expect a lot Hallmark moments from here on out.  Fuck.

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