Thursday 30 June 2011

The ramyaghetti!

Step 1: Get a box

Step 2: Open and display

Step 3: You poke some holes in that lid

Step 4: Eat, then deal with junk-food regret for an hour or so
The folks that make the Kraft Dinner clone in a waxy bowl (I ate one today and I'm not proud) also make several other 'waterless' noodle dealios.  I'd get more nutrition eating newspapers and pencil shavings, but damned if they don't taste like the dickens.  My clothes smell like must, nothing dries in raintown.


  1. Jizzblastocremesurprise1 July 2011 at 01:11

    A waterless noodle dish? I've never heard of that before.

  2. I say waterless because usually the hot water stays in the bowl, but with these ones you poke holes in the lid and drain out the water after the noodles have boiled up.
