I wanna dress up in furs and run hooting around a campfire with some other folks, arms hanging low. As the night progresses, I imagine the furs would come off, and we'd be naked. A small hooved animal would be introduced to the frenzy, and would be torn apart instantly. We'd then of course smear ourselves in warm mammal blood, and scream like primal banshees at the wind.
This idea was first discussed with my singular friend Hamish, in a shady club in Shanghai a few years back. He took me first to this decadent place called Zapata's, I think, where we jumped about on the bar, while sexy eastern European bar staff poured liquor down our throats straight from the bottle. Then I met some Germans that bored the shit out of me. They were all "Vee tear down innevecient bildinks, and zen rebuild zem more evecient." Thrilling. Before, that...wait, that was another night. But another wild night in Shanghai, we snuck our way into a ritzy Euro-rooftop bar on the Bund, and watched with glee as Euros punched it out with stunned Chinese bouncer-types. Getting back to this eastern European bartender situation, Hamish sweet-talked his way to this other bar afterward, with the girls. It was an after-hours dive called 'Eager Beaver', run by a Kiwi. So Hamish is sitting at the bar, charming these girls, when I go outside to have a nap. Every time I opened my eyes, a toothless old Chinese dude with a Fu Manchu was sitting a little closer to me, grinning his gums at me. I was like "I see you, you sneaky little bastard!" I eventually came to and shook it off, then headed back in. I was confused, because the Euros had been replaced by four Mongolian girls. They were exotic-looking, and Hamish was playing an intense drinking game involving dice with them. He spoke fluent Chinese by the way. I sat back and watched him work, but I believe the Kiwi owner, slightly more fluent in Chinese, cock-blocked him, and they bounced. I think we were out of money at that point, but kept drinking, because life is short and brutal. Hamish promised the dude we'd come back and pay him later, but I don't think he did. The Kiwi was an asshole anyways. Oh, so the whole mammal-blood dervish around the bonfire was originally floated as an idea for quirky theme weddings.