Saturday 6 February 2010

Wee Winter Wren

It's sunny in Soggy, I was down to a t-shirt today. Going up to 16 tomorrow. Winter Wrens are real little.


  1. First I've seen on Jeju. They're insanely hard to get a picture of, and they're also the size of a hacky sack. Cute.

  2. Wow, nice peregrine falcons also. I'd expect they presented no less of a challenge to snap a photo of...considering thems is the fastest animal in the whole woirld (uh... yes, confirmed on Wikipedia...)

  3. These Peregrines weren't too fast, they were in love, but they were grabbing each other's feet a lot. I've also seen love Peregrines dropping dead stuff to each other in mid-air, neat-o. Lots of P-grines here.
