Wednesday 19 August 2009

Duck and cover

Once a month, these damn air raid sirens go off. I know that they do, but whenever I hear that sound, I instinctively check to see if there's a mushroom cloud growing behind Mount Halla. Sometimes I think that a nuclear strike on Seoul wouldn't be such a bad thing. They need to clean that town up. Yup. Sea of fire. Or is it 'East Sea of fire'? Anyways.


  1. what do the air raid sirens going off do?

    Is that a Zap Zebra 3-wheeled electric city commuter vehicle in the final frame?

  2. hahaha...i would join the seoul nuclear strike group on facebook.

  3. Zap Zebra? Doubt it. How's the tofu wedge car coming?

  4. The air sirens prepare people for armageddon with a smile.
