Monday 3 January 2011

Kill your television

Money can buy happiness.  Jeju isn't blessed with an English bookstore of worth, so when I hit the mainland I always grab some books.  I know I can get books online, but that isn't fun.  I'm hereby resolving to read more than I did last year, and turn off the damn idiot box.  It just sucks that Mythbusters comes on at 2am every night.  Damn you, Discovery Channel, for being the reason for my constant snooze-hitting/sleeping in.
Reading books!  It's the new punk rock!
  Almost finished my trio of fake Nam books (Nam Au GoGo, The Sorrow of War, and Off the Rails in Phnom Penh), so I'm psyched to tear into the Hendrix and Slash biographies, and On Writing by Stephen King.  I skimmed it and it seems like he was blackout drunk when he wrote a lot of his earlier books.  Neat!  Also got An Exhilaration of Wings, which is a collection of 'The literature of birdwatching'.  Boom!  I also hereby resolve to let my nerd flag fly high and proud.


  1. Yo - just saw a Myth Busters where they pit driving tipsy against driving sleep deprived. Was OK but would have been better if they'd tested driving completely wasted.

    -Qris Paul (duh I can never remember my google log-in for a "proper" comment)

  2. Saw that one! There's a good one where the two younger dudes stay up all night getting drunk, and the goatee guy is wasted and starts jumping off the sets and getting nuts. Sweet.
