Monday 31 October 2011

The boards are up

  The boards for the outdoor rink are up in NDG Park, which means winter is almost here.  Yaaay! 
  I went for a few Halloween pints with an American kid in my course.  It was like drinking with me from 10 years ago.  Instead of giving my young self some sage and hard-learned life advice, I filled his head with heady tales of Asian misadventures.   I have a feeling I’ll see him a bit further on down the road.  We ended up seeing a wicked band at Brutopia called Goldman, that played meaty and tight rock covers.  Incidentally, I was dressed as Steve Zissou, making this the third time I’ve been Stevesie over the past five years.  Last year I was a sunglasses-wearing Chilean Miner, and the year before that, I‘m not proud to admit, I was Waldo (Wally to the Brits). 
  Ah, so walking home up the shitshow called Crescent Street, my path was blocked by two drunken Korean guys that were grappling with one another and throwing wild haymakers while screaming “Ship-sekki-ya!”  A half dozen of their friends screamed at them to stop – “Hajimaaaa!”  The diminutive scrappers were in my way, so I shoved them solidly with two hands as I walked past, sending them flying.  They were all stunned.  I walked away smiling, very proud of myself.  I’m number one!  I’m number one!
  In related news , I’ve discovered that being a lame pedestrian is not an affliction restricted to Koreans, as my years of being run off the sidewalk by mean old ladies had led me to believe.  People here in Montropolis will also walk right into you with alarming regularity.  Here I’m gonna sound old-fashioned, but in my books, here’s what should happen when two pedestrians find themselves walking towards one another.   Each person adjusts their trajectory slightly to the right, ensuring a collision-free merge.  Sadly, I usually find myself adjusting my trajectory accordingly, only to watch in disbelief as the other person keeps on trucking, forcing me to tip-toe along the edge of the sidewalk.  Well, I’m done.  All you fuckers are getting the shoulder from now on.  I’ll body-check every last one of you that fails to yield for me.  Fuckers.  Me and my first-world problems.
  How I miss my scooter, I do miss her so.

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