Thursday 20 October 2011

Jej randoms, mo

  Didja hear the joke about the corduroy pillow?  It's making headlines everywhere.
  These were a couple of my favourite spots to scoot to on Jeju, in the name of birds.  The farm field in a massive crater (biggest in Asia) was always foggy/mystical, and was reliably a good spot to find weasels and snakes.  Good ol weasels and snakes.  Then there was the little 'international peace park' or whatever it was called, on the west coast.  Good for buntings, but also a good picnic spot to take a backseat passenger to, drink makkeoli and eat dill styrofoam.  Nearby is the massacre oreum, where hundreds were slaughtered in the not too distant past.  A heavy place, and I felt it every time I went there looking for rare migrating passerines, which was often.  Thing of it is, every time I went for a scoot I passed little back roads and mountain trails I meant to explore one day, but never got around to.  Dozens of them, waiting for me.  Calling my name at night.  Rosebud...

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