Wham! Who put a river there? |
Nah, he's dead, forget about it |
Wait, he stirs, let's pop this off |
Super ajosshi |
Fuck dude, I'm a shitty driver. |
Hey presto, boing! |
Can I sleep here? I'm just sooo drunk. |
Is this gonna be forever? |
C'mon brah, pretend like it's Friday night |
Fuck, my head hurts |
Thud! Let's smoke, he's fine |
Korean guys love to direct traffic |
Here's my licence, pig |
Is it cool if I drive? |
Clean all that shit up, go on |
If we all smoke and talk on our cell phones for 40 minutes it may just leave on its own, whadya reckon? |
That's what you get when you drink soju for breakfast, innit. My favourite part was when it took the emergency vehicles almost 30 minutes to roll up.
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