Friday 22 January 2010

The Melvins - Hooch

I don't often post links, but this one has been my theme song for 2 weeks, smashing around inside my thin head. Still one of the heaviest songs ever written.
I saw these guys in 1995. Dance Vatek and I tried to sneak into the little club where they were playing - we'd played there before, so we knew about an improbable and usually unlocked side emergency exit around the corner from the sold-out show. Oh, before we broke in, we tried to replicate our buddy Jaro Tackson's legitimate stamp first with the lick/transfer method, then with a sharpie. The results were dubious. Jaro was in the club waiting near the inside door, which was locked, to let us in. Dance and I opened the unlocked outside door and crept up the stairs like nervous ninjas, in the darkness. At the top of the stairs, we looked through a small window, and saw Jaro coming to the door, then suddenly turn away, a scared look on his face. Five seconds later, the lights come on, and the baddest-looking biker-bouncer ever rips the door open and comes lumbering down the stairs towards us, murder in his eyes. My testicles hit the inside of the top of my skull, and we ran for life, but I couldn't feel my body. This dude chased us clean around the block before giving up.
Forty minutes later, an attractive female friend of ours passed by and asked us why we were sitting slumped and dejected on a stoop. When we told her what had happened, she laughed and dragged us through the front door. She was a foxy scenestress, so of course she knew the bouncer, who let us in with a smile a and a mischevious 'you little rascals' finger waggle. "You run fast", he said, glimmers of murder still evident in his eyes. We got in right as The Melvins were starting the last song of their encore, which was 'Hooch'. Fucking amazing.
After the show, we were eating a slice of 1.00$ pizza next door, when King Buzzo, the lead singer, rolled in, floating on a cloud of amazingness. We gushed and freaked, and he signed our shirts and told us about a secret free show the next day, at a record store. That too was fucking awesome. And that is my The Melvins story. Listen to it on 11.


  1. Nice recounting. I remember trying to tell that story to someone and I just couldn't properly relate to them the awesomeness. Next time I'll be sure to say that King Buzzo "rolled in, floating on a cloud of amazingness."

  2. His feet haven't touched the ground since 1987.
