Tuesday 13 January 2009

The ajumma who hearts me

I loves the tuna kimbap, it's perfect. There are a few kimbaperies near me, but the bigger ones are usually full of whiny teens, so I prefer to frequent a quiet little shop run by an ajumma who digs me the most. She always asks me in Korean where I'm from, what I do, and if I have a girlfriend, eyebrows raised nudge nudge. Every time I tell her 'no', and the knowing eyebrows go through the roof. She then gives me extra tuna, after looking around like it's a big conspiracy. I'm pretty sure tuna isn't a legally-binding contract in Korea, but I am worried that one hungry day she'll drag some shamefully unwed female relative from out of a cellar somewhere and hand her off to me. "You took the tuna, now you take her." She will sternly say, and I will meekly leave with my new bride.

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