Monday 15 August 2011

The Chinese dinner party





  While in Yose, Cobain had a party for his fellow students, all of whom are Chinese.  It took us two days to put the thing together, and we definitely went a bit overboard in every way - we shoulda got some pizza and beer, or had a pot luck.  Instead, we had a sink full of ice and booze, a wine and cheese station (oh yes, we did), kebabs and snags on the balcony BBQ, and a room full of snacks.  Not saying it wasn't fun, but we coulda done it for way cheaper.  The beer pong was a hit though, and after a few drinks, some of the Chinese guys went wild and turned on their own, and started wrestling and screaming like maniacs.
  I thought soju was bad, but I had yet to try the evil that rippled inside a small green Chinese bottle of death.  I took one shot, and instantly felt ill (it made Agent Orange look like a health drink).  Chinese peer pressure forced me to take another, and I vomited instantly, to applause.  Class-act.
  The cops came, which I guess mean it was a success.  When they came to the door, all 12 Chinese ran into one room and hid quietly like they were being smuggled across a border.  The second the cops left and the door closed, a huge cheer erupted, and the party continued.  It's a good thing Korean cops are crap.  Korean cops are so crap, that they drive around with their lights on 24/7, so that criminals will see them from a ways off, and stop what they're doing as the popo drive by.  See no evil.
  Once, when I lived in Ilsan, I saw a gangster stomping an old man.  There happened to be 3 cops walking by, and I pointed out the beat-down to them.  They had a little conference, then ran in the opposite direction.  Holy fuck.  More Korean clown-cop stories to follow, this feels good.

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